

Yuki Setsuna留言 | 贡献2024年10月13日 (日) 22:50的版本 (创建页面,内容为“== TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) summary == A quick summary for those who don’t want to go through the whole article. There are more details on all these points within the Roadmap. * '''Linke Rheinstrecke: Mainz – Koblenz''' ** New screenshots, and preview this Thursday! * '''Niddertalbahn (developed by TSG)''' ** We chat to TSG for more information on their upcoming German route * '''Midland Main Line (developed by Skyhook Games)''' ** An interview with…”)
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TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) summary

A quick summary for those who don’t want to go through the whole article. There are more details on all these points within the Roadmap.

  • Linke Rheinstrecke: Mainz – Koblenz
    • New screenshots, and preview this Thursday!
  • Niddertalbahn (developed by TSG)
    • We chat to TSG for more information on their upcoming German route
  • Midland Main Line (developed by Skyhook Games)
    • An interview with the developer, and a first look at the Class 158
  • West Cornwall Local Steam Railtour
    • We chat to Rivet Games for more!
  • A new Loco Add-on Bundle is in the works
    • Content for Southeastern High Speed, Cajon Pass, and Kassel-Würzburg
  • Add-ons Manager is live for PS5 players
    • Other platforms to follow
  • Red Light Improvements have been released, with good feedback so far
  • Scotrail Express: Edinburgh-Glasgow post-release update is live now!
  • Details of post-release American content patch, coming soon

The Roadmap

The birds are singing, flowers are budding, and the days are getting longer – spring is in the air! And with it comes the birth of loads of new things: fluffy bunnies, Easter chicks, and – of course – shedloads of Train Sim World goodies.

This month, we have some new screenshots, information, and interviews with Partner developers on Linke Rheinstrecke, Niddertalbahn (developed by TSG), Midland Main Line (developed by Skyhook Games), West Cornwall Local Steam Railtour (developed by Rivet Games), and a new Loco Add-on Bundle, making its way to you soon – before the next Roadmap, no less!

Scroll down for more.

We also have updates for you on Red Light Improvements, future patches, and WE’RE WRITING THIS ALL IN CAPITALS BECAUSE WE’RE SO HAPPY IT’S OUT – Add-ons Manager has been released on PlayStation 5.

It’s going to be a bit of a ‘Mammoth March’, with three releases from our partners, as well as two of our own releases before the next Roadmap releases. There’s something for everyone, and we’re really excited to see what you think!

Upcoming Content

Linke Rheinstrecke: Mainz-Koblenz

Let’s take you back to the 1990s. Western Germany. The flagship of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. With stunning, winding Rheinland countryside, serving historical castle towns with the highly-anticipated DB BR 103 and a new look for the DB BR 110.3, this is certainly a route we’re looking forward for you to enjoy.

Filled with oodles of rolling stock, 22 stations across 57 miles (92km) of undulating land, there is a lot to explore and enjoy.

As far as rolling stock goes, we’ve got plenty.


  • DB BR 103 in Deutsche Bundesbahn 'Trans Europ Express' livery
  • DB BR 110.3 in Deutsche Bahn Orient Red livery
  • Avmz and Bvmz IC coaches with red band
  • n-Wagen coaches & Karlsruhe Kopf cab car in DB White and Mint livery
  • Shimmns-u 708 and Tadgs 959 freight wagons

Some other interesting things you might want to know:

  • The BR BR 103 is the first high-speed locomotive to be developed in Germany
  • It will also allow you to ‘boost’ your power – but beware! Using the feature for too long will blow your MCB!
  • Set in 1997, in the transition between Deutsche Bundesbahn to Deutsche Bahn
  • 24 castles onn the route
  • Collectibles include, among some of the usual, cuckoo clocks!

Onto the timetable. Players can expect 250 playable services, with an additional 51 coming from layered content. This breaks down as follows:

With the route:

  • DB BR 103 – 111 playable services
  • DB BR 110.3 - 100 playable services
  • DB BR 463 Cab Car – 39 playable services


  • ICE 1 [Kassel-Würzburg] – 2 services
  • DB BR 628 [Niddertalbahn] – 49 services – these will come with the release of Niddertalbahn

A few other areas it’s worth noting:

  • There will be a pre-order available on Steam. More details will follow later in the week.
  • The Linke Rheinstrecke DB BR 103 and DB BR 110.3 will also layer onto Niddertalbahn upon its release.
  • Whilst we’ve endeavoured to replicate the 1990s-style PIS system for this route, we haven’t been able to complete this to a level we’re happy with. After seeing the feedback from players around NEC: New York – Trenton around using inaccurate PIS, we have made the decision to, rather than replace it with something modern, remove it entirely from this route, and the one instance of it occurring on Niddertalbahn. We are discussing rebuilding an asset at the moment, but can’t commit to them being implemented at present.

Make sure you tune into the preview live stream this Thursday with Alex, Matt, and Lukas (starting from 19:00 UTC), and if you have any questions about the route prior to the stream, you can ask them here.

Niddertalbahn: Bad Vilbel-Stockheim

Rolling sedately into March is the long-awaited first TSW3 route for our friends at TSG. A tranquil, single-track route, featuring the iconic DB BR 628.2 (and featuring a guest appearance from the much-loved DB BR 365 Diesel Shunter and some new ES50 freight wagons!), and being the first diesel-only German route in Train Sim World 3, we’re delighted to bring it into your hands in the coming weeks. We spoke to the TSG team to find out more about what makes this quaint, 90s-era route (notice a pattern here?) such a delightful drive.

Hey TSG team, great to chat to you. So, why this route and this loco?

This was the first route that sprung to mind after brainstorming ideas, and we were all really keen to bring something new to TSW. After that we ended up searching for a fitting route 3 months, but eventually came back to this, since it fits the criteria of stuff we wanted to make.

What have you learnt from your previous TSW Add-on releases?

With almost all team members previously working on TSW for DTG made this much easier. There was no big learning curve and we were able to just work on the route.

What has been the difference between working on DTG Routes and this one? The timeline for a third-party project is a lot less stressful, since for most of the project we could just work when we wanted to.

In what period is the route set?

1992 - proper German Bundesbahn.

What was the most challenging part of creating this Add-on?

Making each area of the route unique, so you have a sense of location. We spent a lot of time making sure each area of the route has its own “feel”. And painting fields, painting so many fields. For this we also focused on creating a new foliage set, which brings many challenges, like setting them up for all year round and making sure the route still runs well but is totally worth it to create a different feeling.

Describe the route in 3 words.

Slow. Diesel. Lush.

This route is not that long, but it has 14 Stations. Has this been challenging?

Definitely! With a small team like ours every station is a lot of work. We outsourced a few buildings, but Lukas ended up modelling most of them.

Are there any surprises in-store in the Scenarios for the route?

If you look closely, you might find the future creeping its way into the 90s.

Cryptic, we like it! What iconic landmarks can players expect to see when they’re driving the route?

Multiple custom and era accurate industries can be found along the route. We made sure to model as many iconics as possible.

What additional layers can players expect from other TSW Add-ons?

Linke Rheinstrecke’s BR 103 and BR 110.3 will layer in for AI Traffic.

What collectibles can players expect from the route?

You will be on the hunt to polish Celtic statues, replace milk bottles, repair broken Level Crossing signs and put up posters.

What is your favourite part of the locomotives featured in the route?

The 628 is a German classic. It has been the train of my childhood and is known and loved by a lot of people.

What was the most challenging part of creating the locomotive?

Especially the 365 was not as easy as we expected. The cab needed a lot of change to be era appropriate. The 628 also needed time to nail down the correct version for 1992.

What unique features have you implemented into the loco(s)?

The BR 628 has automatic folding mirrors like a tram or bus, it reflects its job on a not so busy branch line like this.

What is the service pattern like? (# of services, variety of services, etc.)

At the moment we have 62 Services, the route is a single-track branch line after all. But the services come with freight operations and coupling of certain services. They don’t all follow the same recipe which makes every run slightly unique. A full run of the route will take approximately 50 minutes.

Are there any special services?

Especially picking up the Sugar Beets with 365 is fun in the Timetable. You get to cross a lot of trains.

What is the loco like to drive?

It really doesn’t have a lot of power. You will notice it struggles to get up to speed even on shallow gradients, which is very different to all the efficient modern German stock we have until now.

Are there any other interesting features or quirks you’d like to mention about the route?

We were also able to implement unique features, like manual activation of level crossings (HET).

Same goes for AI whistle boards, where AI trains will now honk at the numerous whistle boards on the route.

This is the first time we see German semaphores in TSW – a lot of work went into the proper animation of these and we hope they will show up more often now.

Along the route there are lots of little scenes to explore, we felt this was necessary because of the slow nature of the route. You have time to properly look at your surroundings.

Thanks to the TSG team for their time answering our questions.

Some of images for this section have been taken by our brilliant beta team, so here’s a special shout-out to them for the great screenshots! Thank you to the TSG team for their time answering our questions today.

Keep your eyes peeled to our Railfan TV schedule for a first look at the route live in the coming weeks!

Midland Main Line: Leicester-Derby & Nottingham

*We’re excited to bring you more information on the UK’s next planned route content, developed by our friends at Skyhook Games – the Midland Main Line: Leicester – Derby and Nottingham. By way of introduction to the route, we asked the team at Skyhook Games some questions!

But first: here’s a first look at the BR Class 158 for you – enjoy!

Hey folks. Great to have you back. So, why this route and loco?

The reason for this came down to looking at what the community would like to see. We spotted a few that suggested the Midland Mainline route and we took an interest in looking into it further.

What have you learnt from previous TSW Add-on releases?

There is always something new to learn and new experiences to overcome the more we do add on content. With this being our first passenger route there have been a lot of new challenges presented to us.

What has been the difference between working on your last TSW route (Horseshoe Curve) and this one?

We kind of touched on it a little in that this route is a passenger route, compared to the Horseshoe Curve route being freight, and that presented us with some new challenges and hurdles.

Another difference and a rather obvious one is that that we are now doing a UK route as opposed to US which has given us some different things to consider such as terminology differences in words used, and potential signal differences between the countries.

In what period is this route set?


What was the most challenging part of creating this add on?

The most challenging part really was for us to get our heads around transitioning over to TSW3 and the way things needed to be done for that. Additionally all of the new things we had yet to touch due to not doing a passenger route before had also caused us some early headaches.

This is your longest route to date. What stations can players expect to stop at en route?

12 stations: Derby, Spondon, Long Eaton, East Midlands Parkway, Nottingham, Beeston, Attenborough, Loughborough, Barrow-Upon-Soar, Sileby, Syston, and Leicester

Are there any surprises in-store in the scenarios for the route?

You might want to keep an eye out for a 2+2 formation!

What iconic landmarks can players expect to see when they’re driving through the route?

Ratcliffe Power Station, Loughborough Brushworks, Red Hill Tunnel.

What collectables can players expect from the route?

Train map overhead posters, picking up rubbish, fixing out of order ticket machines, and repainting worn benches.

What is your favourite part of the Class 158?

After our previous work on long trains meant for haulage in the US, the motion controls were a nice change to work on. With only 3 separate controls, they are simple to use. Learning how to implement them into the game for the first time was a fun challenge.

What was the most challenging part of creating the locomotive?

As our first time creating a UK locomotive from scratch, building the system for the doors and utilising the crew door controls next to them was one of the most time consuming and complex part of development.

While we had many other UK locomotives to reference, each one is unique and getting this was key to delivering a good 158 representation. Getting to grips with developing the audio systems from scratch was also a fun challenge.

What unique features have you implemented into the loco(s)?

As mentioned before, the crew doors have been implemented to control each door side and will lock and close them if the appropriate button is pressed. Linking this system into the shortcut for opening and closing the doors was a fun challenge. Our MCB switches for controlling certain lights in the saloon were a neat touch to add and makes the loco feel more fully functional.

What is the service pattern like?

It’s a true to life pattern for the 158. 1 to 2 trains per hour.

What physics considerations did you need to take into account for the loco?

Elements such as Torque ratios, RPMs for the engine’s gears and air pressures need to be assessed in order to get a more accurate simulation of the 158’s physics.

Keep your eyes peeled to Skyhook’s social channels for more teasers and content in the coming weeks, and we’ll be inviting them onto a live stream soon to show you all what they’ve been up to before release!

West Cornwall Local Steam Railtour

We’ve not provided you an update on Rivet Games’ next release for a little while, so thought we’d provide a little more information in the form of a quick summary of what you can expect, from the team at Rivet. Scroll down for some screenshots.

The post-release patch for ScotRail Express: Edinburgh-Glasgow has just been released, and you can find out more details about it here.

We announced our latest add-on at the beginning of January - now, we’re happy to share more information with you: The West Cornwall Steam Railtour will arrive in Train Sim World this month!

This pack will take you on a variety of steaming adventures on the West Cornwall Local route. Expect challenging rides with the LMS Jubilee between Penzance & St. Austell in two all new liveries (Crimson Red & Black). We’ve also retrofitted the LMS Jubilee with an AWS system, a speedometer and an updated, battery powered taillight (replacing the old lanterns). Watch out for the custom headboards you can toggle!

The hilly nature of our West Cornwall route will present you with a true challenge - you might wanna have a look at our upcoming tips & tricks video on how to drive a steam locomotive properly.

Included in this pack are 5 scenarios and 4 services on West Cornwall Local. We also brought the LMS Jubilee to our Edinburgh - Glasgow route: There’s a new railtour service waiting for you with the Black Jubilee, as well as two new railtours with the Class 37/5. The best thing about it: The only add-on required is our West Cornwall Local route - nothing else. :)

Oh, and if you’re still in a festive mood (hey, why not?): There’s a festive scenario included with the coaches wrapped in Christmas lights. Both the red and black livery of the LMS Jubilee are also available in a festive theme, with a little extra surprise hidden in the cab that’ll make you feel even more festive! 🎶

If this sounds like a bit of you, then keep an eye out on Rivet’s social accounts for more information, helpful videos, and other good stuff!

Loco Add-on Bundle 2 – introduction

New to the Roadmap is our next Loco Add-on Bundle – adding to your train sets on Southeastern High Speed, Kassel-Würzburg, and Cajon Pass, and providing a different gameplay experience. Interested to find out more? We asked James, our Product Assistant, to give you the low-down.

With Loco Add-On Bundle 1, we brought added variety and operational interest to each of the 3 routes. Seasonal leaf-busting services were added to Southeastern Highspeed, heritage traction was revived on Cajon Pass, and more night-freight opportunities raced their way along Kassel - Würzburg.  

We wanted the opportunity to add yet another flavour to each route, and with another trio of packs on the way, welcome to Loco Add-On Bundle 2!  

First up, adding to the more modern scene on Cajon Pass is the SD70ACe, now sporting the iconic BNSF livery. Complementing the ES44C4, the SD70ACe brings more 6-axle road power to the heaviest of trains, increasing variety and offering a different perspective of the stunning Californian scenery.

The BNSF SD70ACe features exterior model changes to reflect the specification of the fleet ordered by the Class 1 giant, and comes paired with additional freight cars so you can operate different types of trains over the pass. The Centerbeam car returns in multiple colors, and accompanying that is the 89ft flat car, carrying the hefty load that is truck trailers. It’s freight on wheels, on wheels! 

For Germany, this time we’re adding splashes of colour to the passenger scene. You can Ride with Pride aboard the Railbow DB BR 403 ICE 3! With the Pride flag running down the whole length of the train, BR 403 no. 402 022, named “München”, had its usual DB stripe replaced with this colourful rendition to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Railbow, DB’s staff-led Pride initiative. We always love seeing your pride designs in Creators Club, and now our 2nd official one comes to Train Sim World 3, following in the footsteps of the Southeastern Trainbow. 

However, we didn’t want to leave the ICE 1 out, and so racing alongside the Railbow is a recreation of the ICE 1 wearing its own kind of the Deutschlands schnellster Klimaschützer Green stripe, as featured previously on the ICE 3. Protecting the climate is an important goal of any industry, and the railway is no exception. Having been in-service for decades, DB’s ICE trains have always been progressive in that regard, transporting hundreds of passengers much more efficiently than other means.

And now the one I’ve been itching to write about! Being local to this, and so operationally unique, there is much to discuss... 

Thrashing its way onto Southeastern Highspeed is the BR Class 37/7, featuring the iconic, modern and well-known Europhoenix livery, as leased by Rail Operations Group! 

Back in 2015, Southeastern began the 3-year refurbishment for their vast fleet of Class 375s. This overhaul, known as the SERefurb Programme, was to be undertaken at the original manufacturing plant of the units, Derby Litchurch Lane. However, to get the Class 375s to Derby, a solution was needed. 

Rail Operations Group is a railway company which specialises in the movement of rolling stock, be that; the delivery of new units, taking old vehicles to scrapyards, or in the case of the Class 375, to and from refurbishment. Traditionally, the dragging of multiple units necessitates the use of translator coaches and brake force wagons, as most locomotives cannot couple to units, nor make any use of their braking equipment. That all changed with Rail Operations Group. 

Using Class 37 locomotives owned by Europhoenix, ROG are able to drag units such as the Class 375 with no additional vehicles, this vastly improves the efficiency of movement operations. The Class 37s can be fitted with a Dellner coupler adapter to attach to Class 375s, and even control their braking, with additional in-cab equipment highlighting to the driver what step of braking the 375 is in. ROG operate a handful of these specially modified Class 37s, and we have built 37800 and 37884, which despite their names, are indeed categorised under the Class 37/7 subclass. 800 and 884 have been around the block, with both celebrating their 60th birthday this year, and have worked throughout Wales, England and Scotland, they were even once sent to work in Spain! 

The unit drag moves powered by these 37s would happen on a weekly basis, 375s would be dragged back from refurbishment of a morning, and the same locomotive would then pick up another 375 to drag to Derby in the late afternoon. They became something of a rail community icon during their 3-year run, local spotters would see them every week, and those of us who saw it remember it well, and driver Lee, who was not afraid to slow down to a crawl, and give it 100% thrash past spotters, and of course lots of tones! 

Running weekly, but not wanting to only provide 2 services, we’ve slotted multiple moves into the Timetable, running them at different months of the year to increase playability, without overloading the AI experience. You’ll be dragging Class 375s in both directions, to and from refurbishment, rekindling the days of the Class 375 SERefurb Programme.  

But what is a refurbishment programme with nothing to be refurbished? Accompanying the Rail Operations Group Class 37/7 is the Class 375/9 in the old Southeastern White livery! Featuring pre-refurb details such as the grey stripe, yellow doors, older decals and subtly different interiors. So in-between all the unit drags, re-live the mixed colour era of blue and white 375s working in tandem. 

The SD70ACe, ICE 3 Railbow and ROG Class 37/7 each come with additional scenarios for their respective routes, making them yet another brilliant way to add more to the experience. Much like Loco Add-On Bundle 1, the 3 packs will be available separately, or all together. 

Train Sim World 3 core improvements

A progress summary on the core improvements the teams are working on. This month, we have (everyone’s favourite) Add-ons Manager, a follow up on pathing/red lights improvements, and a quick note on upcoming patches.

Add-ons Manager

IT’S OUT! Released for PS5 players last week, we’ve seen lots of you able to reaccess your whole collection again, and we’re delighted for you all.

We released a further patch on Friday - click here for details ) - and will be monitoring your initial feedback.

Add-ons Manager will be coming to other platforms – it is a necessity it does so, as we cannot have two separate back-end infrastructures to our game, and we hope that, with the initial reports looking positive, this can happen sooner, rather than later.

We did want to take some time to highlight some key questions we know Xbox and PC players have had for us:

What benefit will I gain from Add-ons Manager if I’m not a PlayStation player?

Players should see a performance benefit (likely to be more noticeable with the more Add-ons you have installed and on 8th-generation consoles) – this is due to the new system ‘mounting’ content where it is needed in the game, rather than having your entire library potentially impacting your in-game driving experience.

Will this impact any mods installed on my game?

We will be working with modders and our beta teams to check that – where known, the release does not negatively impact any mods installed. We have thus far not seen any issues.

Pathing/red lights improvements

We implemented a core game patch (check out the details in the Patches section of the Roadmap) in February, which we believe has solved a lot of Red Light issues players were experiencing. Indeed, we’ve seen a lot of positive feedback from services which have since been completable (1M03 London Commuter service, several on Harlem Line, 1J07 Southeastern High Speed service, as a few examples).

If you are still experiencing any issues with red lights blocking your progress after downloading that update, then please let us know (click here) – our next step is to investigate individual issues which this improvement has not caught.

Spirit of Steam AI SPAD improvements

We had a ‘candidate fix’, which, upon testing, we found caused multiple knock-on issues with other content – so, it is back with our Engineering team to review. Thanks to our QA and beta teams who picked up on the issue.

Patches (review and upcoming)

Here’s a quick summary of the contents of the patches released in the past month you may have missed.

20th February – Headliners

  • Red light improvements (core game improvement)
  • Boston Providence improvements Including complete resignalling and TSW3 lighting and skies
  • Sherman Hill improvements Including TSW3 lighting and skies, plus turntable scenery improvements

Click here for more details.

21st February – Headliners

  • Day 1 patch for American content

Click here for more details.

28th February – Headliners

  • PS5 Add-ons Manager release

Click here for more details.

7th March – Headliners

  • Edinburgh-Glasgow post-release improvements
  • West Cornwall Local scenery improvements

Click here for more details:

U.S. Content post-release patch

Exact contents of these patches are to be confirmed, but we’ve selected highlights where possible. These are by no means the only patches to be released, but we wanted to provide an update on some of the more pressing upcoming releases.

NEC: New York – Trenton

  • Sunnyside Yard OHLE improvements
  • ACSES and ALP-46 introductions are now completable
  • Improved passenger behaviours in NY Penn
  • Fixed issue that could cause ACSES to suddenly disable and report odd speeds like 69mph, sometimes causing emergency brakes
  • Improved collision and door behaviour on bi-levels
  • Ensure CSS is always set to enabled by default
  • ACS-64 max speed set to 125mph
  • Fixed problem where ALP46 couldn't uncouple and recouple due to bounding boxes
  • Speedometers increased to full range to show > 100mph
  • Boost brightness of ditch and marker lights
  • Improve bi-level handling of low platforms
  • NJT trains changed to not require acknowledgement after speed reductions (Amtrak trains still require this, as per reality)
  • Added missing ACSES/ATC indicators to HUD of BiLevels
  • Fixed some ATC cab light indicators to appear in correct colours
  • Improve speedometer of Amfleet for easier reading
  • Raildriver on Amfleets - expanded the "0" range to allow the throttle to be rested at 0 more easily
  • Moved safety system audio source in BiLevels to correct location so they are more clearly audible
  • Some optimisations of textures to improve memory usage

Amtrak’s Acela®

  • ACSES ValidDatabase light now shows as green, not red

Union Pacific Heritage Collection

  • Improved flow of Heritage Helpout
  • The Gathering scenario - set Banking Comms to on by default
  • Corrected some scenario durations

Special Projects Team update

The team have been hard at work at on the below, and working closely with our Partners (more in the ‘Partner Programme’ section!) – whilst we don’t have a substantial update for you on the projects, here’s a quick summary:

  • HST Livery Designer Compatibility Going through final testing.
  • TSW2 Preservation Crew updates These are awaiting a suitable release build.
  • DB BR 187 audio improvements The Special Projects team have taken this on, but progress is slower than we’d like it to be at present.

Third-Party developer (Partner Programme) update

We’ve provided some substantial updates from some of our partners in the Upcoming Updates section of the Roadmap, but here are some quick notes on our other partners, whose projects are further out from release. As ever, as they develop and move closer to release, we’ll share more information with you.

  • Just Trains – – we’re in the process of reviewing scenery, and have linked them into the TSW autotesting framework. The team at Just Trains are well underway with scenario and content development – whilst this is all great news, and positive progress is being made, we’re still a little while off more details being ready for their upcoming content.
  • Alan Thomson Simulations – the track has been laid for their first route, which is being reviewed now by the Special Projects team – they’re also getting training on creating gameplay for TSW.
  • UW – in the early stages of developing the track system for their content.



These are forthcoming add-ons that are being developed by Dovetail Games. Where details are still being finalised for a release we are including the ID code for it when possible. This will give you a good idea of what to expect. For Train Sim World 3, we’ve amended these product codes. To see what these ID codes mean you can refer to this post [https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/cracking-the-code.25968/].  

* [NEW] [TSW3] Loco Add-on Bundle 02

> [3.GCD-L7 01] ROG 37

> [3.NDD-L7 03] SD70

> [3.DBB-L7 04] Railbow * [TSW3] – [3.DBB-R6 04] Linke Rheinstrecke: Mainz-Koblenz * [TSW3] – [3.GAA-R5 02] Peak Forest: Ambergate – Chinley and Buxton


These are forthcoming add-ons that are being developed by teams outside Dovetail Games. Where details are still being finalised for a release, we are including the ID code for it when possible. This will give you a good idea of what to expect. To see what these ID codes mean you can refer to this post [https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/cracking-the-code.25968/]

  • [TSW3] [3.GAA-E6 01] West Cornwall Local: Steam Railtour (developed by Rivet Games)
  • [TSW3] [3.DGG-R6 01] Niddertalbahn: Bad Vilbel – Glauburg-Stockheim (developed by TSG)
  • [TSW3] [3.GDG-R7 02] Midland Main Line: Leicester – Derby and Nottingham – (developed by Skyhook Games)
  • [TSW3] [3.DBB-L5 01] DB BR 420 Electric Multiple Unit (Hauptstrecke München-Augsburg) - Developed by TSG


Core features are larger projects. These may be significant new pieces of functionality or changes that will affect players on one or several different platforms. Often requiring more time in development this list may move more slowly than others. 

  • [TSW3] Add-ons Manager (PS4, Xbox, PC)
  • [TSW3] Derailing improvements (route-by-route)
  • [TSW3] Save Game improvements (route-by-route)
  • [TSW3] Performance optimisation


Projects that players will notice but don’t fall into one of the other categories.  

  • [TSW2/TSW3] Rush Hour passenger system for London Commuter 
  • [TSW2/TSW3] Spirit of Steam manual fireman functionality


Projects that are being tackled by the Special Projects team. The additions or changes in the “upgrade” will include some or all of the following: station departure boards, animated crossings, platform climb-up functionality, improved track rendering, Rush Hour passenger density and appearance, support for RailDriver, contact signaller functionality, minor fixes to scenery, minor fixes to audio, minor fixes to gameplay, minor fixes to menu items, Livery Designer compatibility and Scenario Planner expansion. 

We have included a ‘scale’ of the size of the work/features put into the update.

  • [TSW2][TSW3] HST Livery Designer functionality
  • [TSW3][TSW2] DB BR 187 Audio improvements
  • [TSW2] [Tiny] Scottish Commuter 
  • [TSW2] [Small] Hauptstrecke Hamburg-Lübeck, including timetable update
  • [TSW2] [Medium] Rhein-Ruhr Osten 
  • [TSW2] [Small] 2022 Bakerloo timetable (600+services) 
  • [TSW2] [Small] Long Island Rail Road 
  • [TSW2] [Huge] Peninsula Corridor – NOTE: there are further improvements to come on both games
  • [TSW2] [Huge] Oakville Subdivision 
  • [TSW2] [Tiny] LGV Mediterrannée  

Note: Preservation Crew updates will continue after the launch of Train Sim World 3


Items that have been removed from the Roadmap. This is either because they have been completed, their status having changed or the project having been suspended. 

  • [TSW3] Add-ons Manager (PS5) - released
  • [TSW3] – [3.NBB-L7 01] Amtrak’s Acela - released
  • [TSW3] – [3.NBB-R7 01] Northeast Corridor: New York – Trenton - released
  • [TSW3] – [3.NDD-E7 01] Union Pacific Heritage Collection – released
  • [TSW3] Boston Sprinter route upgrade (lighting, skies, signalling) - released
  • [TSW3] Sherman Hill route upgrade (lighting/skies) - released
  • [TSW3] Red Light / Dispatcher improvements across multiple routes (starting with Rush Hour routes and Harlem Line)  - released

Please join us tonight on YouTube and Twitch (Tuesday, March 7th), where we’ll discuss the above (and more!) with Matt and JD at 19:00 UTC. If you have any questions, please add them to this thread by clicking here.

You can discuss the contents of this month’s Roadmap on our forums by clicking here.